Paintings - Drawings - Sculpture - Lithographs - Mixed Media - Poetry - Photos - Textiles - Constructions - Community Projects


I live in Perth with my son and have had a wide variety of careers but currently work as a reflexologist. My interests are art, astronomy and mens' groups. I have had a lifelong interest in dreams, recording them from an early age and since a near fatal heart attack in 1997, painting them. I work with acrylics on plywood.







Bye, Bye John

Fixing Dad's Van

A Winged Horse

A park-keeper said...

Jupiter's redspot

I saved Callum and Richard but not Dad

I prepare to take Kirsty to London

How did you get into Process State?

Parasite fish

Callum with three barefoot doctors

Via Ben Nevis to Safeways

An Artesian Meeting

Knights chased us

A Strange Land

I was with a platoon of soldiers

They put beano heads on to reassure me...





I live in Perth with my son and have had a wide variety of careers but currently work as a reflexologist. My interests are art, astronomy and mens' groups. I have had a lifelong interest in dreams, recording them from an early age and since a near fatal heart attack in 1997, painting them. I work with acrylics on plywood.